It’s back to school time!
Time to enroll your children, and turn in an OPT OUT FORM.

We’ve just posted this COMMON CORE & YEAR END STANDARDIZED TESTING OPT OUT FORM and instructions. Please READ it, DOWNLOAD it, PRINT it, COMPLETE it, SUBMIT it – and SHARE it!

To allow Kansas parents to protect the privacy of information about their children and family, this Opt Out form is designed to do three things…

1) It gives parents control over the privacy of their child’s data which is sent from each school when they complete a computerized, standardized test. Teachers will still give their child weekly quizzes plus quarterly, semester and final exams to find out how well they have learned what has been taught.

2) However, this form lets all school district employees—including the building principal—know that no private information about the parent’s child or family is to be sent outside the district without their written consent. Teaching and learning takes place in classrooms—not in some bureaucrat’s office in Topeka or Washington, D.C.

3) And finally, when a parent submits this form, it lets all district employees know that if any of the child’s or family’s private information is sent outside the school district, that they will be held accountable under Federal and State law.

To find out more about standardized testing and opting out, please read the information we have posted under “Resources” – Articles: Testing & Opting Out.

One thought on “OPT OUT FORM

  1. This opt out form isn’t near enough… the form should forbid the turning over of private information to school authorities in the first place… turning over such information will leave no recourse in the event of abuse by the school, regardless of what the form says about consequences.

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