HEADS UP ON TESTING! Break Kite Day – October 28th


Thanks to KACC mom, Courtney, for sharing this information!  Please take time to read, and click on the links to the KSDE documents for details. 

I was doing some other research today and stumbled across 2 important things. Please pass this along ASAP to those you know who care about state testing or have their kids opted out!

1. A testing schedule for this school year. Note how MANY there are and how much time it takes to give them. Then, think about how much time it takes to PREPARE for these exams.

2. Below you will see something interesting. They are having a “test run” of state testing on Oct. 28th.  Need to pass this along to EVERYONE.

From the document – Break Kite Day

To test out the bandwidth of local buildings and the bandwidth and load balancers of CETE servers by simulating operational testing conditions during one school day.
Students will be pre-assigned to the two tests associated with their grade level. All they will need to access the test is their user name and password. No ticket numbers are necessary. Schools should rotate students through computer labs all day Tuesday (if possible), asking them to take both tests, simulating, to the degree possible, a real testing day. (In full in attachment.)

Concerned about APUSH? Please contact the KS State Board of Education

We recently posted current articles and information about the changes happening to APUSH.  There are local, grassroots efforts pushing back against this happening across the states.  In fact, Texas recently passed a resolution.  And a sample resolution to be adapted for use in other states can be found here: Georgia APUSH Resolution

Even though this is not specifically Common Core, it is an important issue in education.  We hope you will join us and take time to email the Kansas State Board of Education members with your concerns, and consider attending and speaking during the Citizen Open Forum at the upcoming Kansas BOE meeting on Tuesday, October 14, Topeka, KS (details below).

The agenda for the meeting on Tuesday includes:
k.  Act to continue contract with College Board to provide for Advance
Placement exam fees (scheduled for 4-4:10pm

Kansas State Board of Education members:

Mrs. Sally Cauble, Vice Chair, scauble@swko.net
Mrs. Deena Horst, deena@worldlinc.net
Ms. Carolyn L. Wims-Campbell, campbell4ksboe@gmail.com
Mrs. Janet Waugh, jwaugh1052@aol.com
Mr. Steve Roberts, mrxmath@gmail.com
Mr. Jim McNiece, nemprin@yahoo.com
Mr. Kenneth Willard, kwillard48@gmail.com
Mrs. Kathy Busch, kathy.busch@ymail.com
Mrs. Jana Shaver, Chairman, jshaver@cableone.net
Mr. John Bacon, jwmsbacon@aol.com
GROUP EMAIL LIST (copy & paste): scauble@swko.net, deena@worldlinc.net, campbell4ksboe@gmail.com, jwaugh1052@aol.com, mrxmath@gmail.com, nemprin@yahoo.com, kwillard48@gmail.com, kathy.busch@ymail.com, jshaver@cableone.net, jwmsbacon@aol.com

Details about speaking during the Citizen Open Forum:
– *arrive before 10am to sign-up to speak for 3 minutes during the open forum
*bring a dozen copies of your written statement for distribution to board members
– *Citizens’ Open Forum scheduled to begin at 10:30am.
– Location: All meetings will be held in the first floor Board Room (Suite 102) of the Landon State Office Building, 900 SW Jackson Street, Topeka, unless otherwise noted.  The Landon Building is located just east of the State Capitol.

Quick reminder – please be courteous and respectful in all forms of communication.


***If you would like to connect with others planning to attend, please email:***
rosy(at)kansansagainstcommoncore(dot)com OR lisa(at)kansansagainstcommoncore(dot)com

Read more here:
Texas State Education Board Passes Resolution to Stop Redesigned AP US History APUSH

Georgia APUSH Resolution (Sample resolution that can be adapted for your state)

RNC Adopts Two Strong Education Resolutions

What do you know about APUSH?

Samuel Adams

Please take time to inform yourself about the changes happening with APUSH,

and share with others!

LISTEN TO APUSH CONFERENCE CALL – recorded August 4, 2014:

  • Larry Krieger- Teacher of SAT classes for over 20 years and AP classes for over 35 years, specializing in AP U. S. History (APUSH).
  • Ken Mercer, Texas State Board of Education (SBOE) member who has been working aggressively to delay the rollout of the new APUSH Framework.
  • Jane Robbins- Attorney and a senior fellow with the American Principles Project in Washington, D.C.
  • – See more at: http://www.cwfa.org/resources-new-ap-anti-u-s-history-curriculum-framework/#sthash.o0yVbvvx.dpuf

New War Over High School U.S. HistoryAmericans are only just now waking up to a quiet but devastatingly effective effort to replace the teaching of traditional American history in our high schools with a new, centrally-controlled, and sharply left-leaning curriculum.

The College Board, the company that issues the SAT and the various Advanced Placement (AP) exams, has created an elaborate new framework for the AP U.S. History Exam that will effectively force nearly all American high schools, public and private, to transform the way they teach U.S. History.

The traditional emphasis on America’s founders and the principles of constitutional government will soon be jettisoned in favor of a left-leaning emphasis on race, gender, class, ethnicity, etc.


College Board’s AP U.S. History Ignores Valor and Sacrifice of America’s Military
About 500,000 of our nation’s most academically talented high school sophomores and juniors take APUSH. The College Board’s new Framework completely omits all American military commanders and notes just two battles – Gettysburg and Sherman’s March to the Sea. It totally neglects the valor and sacrifices of the American servicemen and women. Veterans and their families will be dismayed to learn that Washington does not cross the Delaware, William Travis (a South Carolina hero) does not defend the Alamo, and the GI’s do not liberate Europe.

How the College Board Politicized U.S. History
The College Board, the private company that produces the SAT test and the various Advanced Placement (AP) exams, has kicked off a national controversy by issuing a new and unprecedentedly detailed “Framework” for its AP U.S. History exam. This Framework will effectively force American high schools to teach U.S. history from a leftist perspective. The College Board disclaims political intent, insisting that the new Framework provides a “balanced” guide that merely helps to streamline the AP U.S. History course while enhancing teacher flexibility. Not only the Framework itself, but the history of its development suggests that a balanced presentation of the American story was not the College Board’s goal.

The Brightest American Kids Are Still Set To Learn Anti-American History
One of the earliest justifications for changes to this and a host of other AP classes, was to simplify them so teachers didn’t have to cram so much material into classes. Drastically expanded outlines do the opposite. The second major bone to chew has been the content of this bloated document. The Republican National Committee passed a resolution Friday decrying that the makeover “reflects a radically revisionist view of American history that emphasizes negative aspects of our nation’s history while omitting or minimizing the positive aspects.” It followed an August 4 open letter opposing the changes, which anyone can sign. The last two probably put a bee in Coleman’s bonnet.


October – Articles & Updates


We are currently working hard to connect as many CC fighters across the state as possible. The Kansas legislature returns to Topeka on January 12th and we need your help to STOP COMMON CORE!

Please message us and get connected with others working hard to
STOP COMMON CORE across the state!

OCTOBER – Articles & Updates

  • Un-Common, Not Core – by Cynthia Walker “The reform mathematicians who put together Common Core are ignoring cognitive development. My Common Core pre-algebra students are hurried through the arithmetic review and taught the coordinate system. They graph lines and parabolas. They do transformations, exponents (including zero and negative exponents), and a truly horrendous percentage of percentage problems. The homework can be finished in an hour if the student’s parents can afford to hire a BS mechanical engineer to sit at his elbow and remind him when he takes a wrong turn. Otherwise, he is up ’til midnight. Students work hard at tasks beyond their strength; they flounder; they fail; they learn that math is no fun.”

“This is a post from Stop Common Core in Mississippi on Facebook that currently has over 1,200 shares.

Is this happening in your state?”



“As with most initiatives created by those convinced government is smarter than individuals, this system is predicated on the notion that nationalization is the only way to create a level playing field for all involved. Teachers can’t be expected to help ALL students equally, but a federal mandates will solve that problem nicely.
NONE OF THIS IS AMERICAN. None of it. As Phyllis Schlafly explains,
Designed on the German system, the Tucker plan is to train children in specific jobs to serve the workforce and the global economy instead of to educate them so they can make their own life choices.

WATCH: Common Core Summarized in 2 Minutes – Dr. Peg Luksik

WATCH: Building the Machine – Part II – The Parent Interviews