Call To Action–NO to HR 5

NO to HR 5–Your calls and tweets are needed immediately!

PLEASE Call, Email, Tweet! ‪#‎StopHR5‬
Congressman Huelskamp 202-225-2715
Congresswoman Jenkins 202-225-6601
Congressman Pompeo 202-225-6216
Congressman Yoder 202-225-2865

ALERT: HR 5 will be voted on tomorrow (July 8, 2015) either at 1:30 pm or at 4:30 pm (EST)

Call to ACTION–Your Help is Immediately Needed

The American Principles Project has put together a list of 21 reasons not to approve the Every Child Achieves Act.

Please review this and make calls to Senator Roberts’ and Senator Moran’s offices. The vote could happen as early as Tuesday, July 7, so time is of the essence.

Jerry Moran’s Office: 202.224.6521

Pat Roberts’ Office: 202.224.4774

Remember to be polite but firm, and specifically ask that they vote NO on ECAA (Every Child Achieves Act).

*Pass this around to your friends/family in Kansas and also to your friends/family in other states and ask them to call their senators as well!

Again, time is of the essence and so please make these two phone calls on TUESDAY, JULY 7.


