CTA: NO on SB509

CALL TO ACTION: Contact your legislators. Contact the members of the Senate Committee on Assessment and Taxation. https://kslegislature.org/li/b2023_24/committees/ctte_s_assess_tax_1/

Tell them to VOTE NO on SB509.

This bill (which is very similar to last year’s SB128) would “establish” an education tax credit for taxpayers with kids not attending public school.

This is a “government school choice” offering.

Actual school choice already exists. It is not provided by the government, and therefore, is not controlled by the government.

The “government school choice” bills repeatedly brought by legislators are deceptions, designed to bring any outlying non-government education into the fold of the government.


Why do legislators continuously bring these “school choice” bills? They are purported to be for parents who have elected to educate their children outside of the public school realm. However, these parents – especially home school parents – repeatedly ask to not be included. At the very least, these parents are not the writers of these bills and have not historically been the ones asking for this “government school choice.” Home school parents have even asked to not be included in SB509, and their request was denied!

So, why are legislators working so hard to “give” something to people who have not asked for it and DO NOT want it?

What is the history of “government school choice” legislation?

Could it be that the government is concerned that too many children are being educated outside of government designed systems?

Could it be that behind all the benevolent sounding talking points, this “government school choice” will eventually eradicate any non-government education?

Could it be that these “government school choice,” “money following the child” offerings are just candy to ultimately trap ALL kids into government controlled education?

Some points about SB509:

– Parents claiming this “opportunity” offering are subject to the IRS, as well as other government departments.

Is that characteristic of individual liberty and freedom?

– Parents claiming this “opportunity” offering are subject to government prosecution?

Is this characteristic of individual liberty and freedom?

– Creates the “opportunity” for parents and non-public schools to become financially dependent on the government offered credit.

Is this characteristic of individual liberty and freedom?

– Will result in non-public school tuition and cost increases by at least the amounts parents can claim on their tax returns. Simple economics.

How will people who choose not to claim the tax credit (as proposed by legislators trying to get this bill passed) be negatively impacted?

How will the resulting higher tuition/costs “help” people afford a non-public school education?

How have costs for all changed (increased/decreased) in other areas (farmers, healthcare, roads, colleges/universities, etc.) that the government subsidizes (via direct funding, tax credits, deductions, etc.)?

How has this impacted individual liberty and freedom?

– Reduces government revenues. And, does so for taxpayers already choosing a non-public education for their children. Have you seen the fiscal note for SB509?

$240,000,000 !!!! in tax credits (just for tax year 2024)

By whom (and how) is this tax impact absorbed?

Plus, more government staff and IT costs, and unknown other impacts (see last paragraph.)

Is a bigger government budget likely or not to hinder individual liberty and freedom?

– Has several opportunities for fraud.

Any amendments to deal with these problems ONLY grows government oversight, control, and subjugation of the taxpayer and school to the government.

Is this characteristic of individual liberty and freedom?

– Grows government control.

Already the bill defines which institutions and by how much certain taxpayers can participate.

How will these be incrementally changed?

There is already much precedent and history of the Kansas legislators repeatedly amending bills it passes; amendments that grow government control.

Is this characteristic of individual liberty and freedom?

– Contributes to the nationalization of American education.

The bill provides for private schools accredited by a “regional or national accrediting agency.”

How does this impact individual liberty and freedom?

– Establishes a creative form of a government welfare/benefit/voucher.

Is this characteristic of individual liberty and freedom?

– Has unknowns as to even greater potential costs to Kansas taxpayers.

– Grows government reporting requirements on the part of individuals and institutions.

– Already embodies “differing” credit amounts.

“Reward” for enrolling in accredited education; “penalize” for not doing so?

How will credit amounts be subsequently amended in the future? (There is already much precedent and history of the Kansas legislators repeatedly amending bills it passes.)

How will the tax code continue to be used to manipulate people?

This bill ONLY makes it harder for any non-government education to exist.

We end up getting the most independent minded and self-sufficient individuals and families hooked on a government mechanism.

Please, contact legislators. Ask them to VOTE NO on SB509.

If you would like to understand more about Tuition Tax Credits (and school choice), you may want to read “Tuition Tax Credits – A Responsible Appraisal” by Barbara M. Morris.

Think these tax credits are some clever new idea? They are not!

This book was published in 1983!!!

And, don’t miss the Appendix or the chapter on collectivism.

One last thing. We need to stop falling for the “it’s our money” narrative in regard to taxes. If that is the case, then do the same things happen when I “claim” a tax offering on a government tax form as happens when I pay for something with my own cash? Am I subject to fines/prosecution by the IRS when I just pay for something with my own cash? When the legislature passes a tax, do I have any say as to how what I personally remit is spent? Do I have any option as to whether to pay that tax? No, I don’t. I owe it to the government. I do not have the option. If I do not remit it, I am subject to fines and prosecution. When I am paid by my employer or receive payment for services rendered to a customer, those earnings are mine; they are no longer the money/property of my employer or customer. Same with the government receipt of our taxes. So, let’s stop with the “it’s our money” deception. When a tax is in place, a “credit” is only something the government is “allowing” us to have. It can be and is forever subject to being changed and having conditions added by the government. It is the government’s and the government absolutely decides how, when, if, and whether we are “allowed” to use it as per some government “offering” in the form of a credit, deduction, etc.